AA Meetings at Ascension
Day meetings:
Tuesday at noon
Thursday as 10:30am
Evening Meetings:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:30pm
Wednesday at 8pm
Please click on the following link for a list of phone and internet AA meetings.
Online Intergroup : Alcoholics Anonymous
Meetings are located in Strom Hall which is Handicap accessible from the East Entrance.
The Building is closed in winter when Lakewood City Schools are closed due to weather.
For more information about Alcoholics Anonymous visit the AA website .
Policies for Meeting In-person
There is to be no smoking on church grounds. Each group is asked to help pick up litter and cigarette butts on church grounds, including parking lots, before and after meetings. Groups are asked to continue entering and exiting from the East entrance and to use only the restrooms on the lower levels.
Thank you for checking out our guidelines and meeting times. Our response to the pandemic will evolve according to our best understanding of how to keep all of God’s children safe. The Church of the Ascension is happy to provide a space for our AA groups to meet and share recovery and fellowship.